Lectures, Papers, Articles, and Other Documents
1. Translation of Andrei D. Sakharov’s “Constitution of the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia” with Lowry Wyman’s accompanying Commentary. Documents in circulation since Winter, 1989-90. Published by Ab Imperio Quarterly (2005).
2. “The Concept of a Fair Trial” (published in Russian in USIA’s journal Amerika, June 1990)
3. “Reforming Soviet Criminal Justice” (The Judges’ Journal, Summer 1990)
4. “The New Secession Law and Lithuania’s Quest for Independence”; English translation of law and lecture delivered in Chicago and subsequently published in Zumbakis, S. Paul, ed., Lithuanian Independence: The Reestablishment of the Rule of Law (1990)
5. “Soviet Constitutional Law: Towards a New Federalism?” (paper delivered at AAASS Conference, October 1990)
6. “Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania — A Working Prototype” (written for, and circulated among, high government officials in Lithuania during January 1991; published in Lithuanian in Atgimimas, June 1991); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author
7. “Is There Hope for the Rule of Law in the Soviet Union? — Lithuania, A Case Study” (paper delivered at the Sakharov Memorial Congress on Peace, Progress, and Human Rights, held in Moscow, May 21-25, 1991)
8. “Why Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure Should be Contained in the Constitution” (paper delivered at Tallinn conference; June 1991)
9. “The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Some Thoughts on Fundamental Constitutional Norms” (paper delivered in Russian at human rights conference held in Kishinev, Moldova on June 26, 1991)
10. “The Future of ‘Rule of Law Engagement’ and the New World Order” (paper delivered at ABA Conference, held in October 1991)
11. “Comments on the Proposed Constitution of Estonia” (published in Estonian in Pavaeleht, March 1992); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author
12. “Helping Lithuania: Reflections on our Proposed Constitution of Lithuania” (this document, together with our “working prototype” constitutional text, was published and discussed on “Balt-L”, an early internet discussion group focused on the Baltic States, starting in March 1992); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author
13. “Comments on Croatia’s Draft Law on the Courts” (paper prepared for ABA/CEELI, July 25, 1993)
14. Memorandum to AID-Almaty: “Program Proposal Addressing Crime and Corruption in Central Asia” (August 15, 1994)
15. Training Materials in Russian for AID-sponsored seminars for judges, prosecutors, and defense lawyers in Kyrgyzstan, September-October 1994
16. “The Role of the Courts in Securing and Safeguarding Fundamental Human Rights” (presented in Russian at first international human rights conference organized by the Kazakhstan-American Bureau on Human Rights and the Rule of Law, November 17, 1994; published in the Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice’s official journal Adilet, #2, 1995)
17. Memorandum: “Consultancy on Tajikistan’s Parliamentary Election Law, November 26, 1994 to December 7, 1994” (prepared for AID-Almaty, December 8,1994)
18. “ALC’s Work in the Judicial Arena in Central Asia” (memorandum delivered to AID-Almaty and members of the U.S. Judiciary, December 9, 1994)
19. “Alternative Draft Constitution of Kazakhstan” (initial draft prepared for translation and discussion — “The Conversation of Democracy” — during May-June-July, 1995); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author
20. Training materials in Russian for AID-sponsored seminar for judges and practicing lawyers from Central Asia, held in Tartu, Estonia, June 11-19, 1995
21. “The Legal Basis for Entrepreneurship and Private Enterprise” (paper prepared for AID-funded women’s conference held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in July 1995)
22. Memorandum: “The 1995 Constitution’s Applicability to Practical Realization of Property Rights in Kazakhstan” (produced for International City-County Management Association [“ICMA”] and Aid-Almaty, March 16, 1996)
23. Memorandum: “President Nazarbaev’s 1995 Decree ‘On Land’” (produced for ICMA and AID-Almaty, March 22, 1996)
24. Memorandum: “Draft Housing Code” (produced for ICMA and AID-Almaty, April 8, 1996)
25. “Legal Aspects of Service Contracting” (paper presented in Russian at ICMA’s Almaty seminar for municipal government officials on April 27, 1996)
26. Memorandum: “Kazakstan’s Drafts Laws on 1/Local Representative and Executive Bodies, and 2/Local Self-Government” (produced for U.S. Embassy, ICMA, and AID-Almaty, May 20, 1996)
27. “Proposals Regarding the Constitution of Kazakhstan, with Commentary” (Russian-language booklet containing the “Alternative Draft Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” plus introductory and explanatory essays; these documents were developed and circulated during the year prior to their publication in this form in June 1996); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author, and supervised translation into Russian
28. “Using Good Sense When Regulating Free Speech” (published in Russian in the Bulletin Zakonodatel’stvo i praktika sredstv massovoi informatsii, #2, July 1996)
29. “Alternative Draft Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (published in Russian in the August 30, 1996 edition of Delovaya nedelya, an Almaty business weekly); co-authored with Barnabas D. Johnson, who was the principal author of the English version; I was the principal author of the Russian version
30. “Analysis of Kazakhstan’s Law on Land and Rights in Housing” (published in two installments in All Over the Globe in English and Russian on September 20 and 24, 1996, following presentation as a lecture at the Kazakhstan Institute of Management and Economic Progress [KIMEP])
31. “Report of the Kazakhstan-American Bureau on Human Rights and the Rule of Law: the Human Rights Situation in Kazakhstan” (edited and translated into English); introduction edited by Barnabas D. Johnson; final English version delivered to U.S. Embassy and the Department of State, and released over the Internet in October 1996)
32. “What the 1995 Constitution Means to the People of Kazakhstan” (Central Asia Monitor, No. 5, 1996)
33. “Business Plan for the Seed Component of the Cotton Sub-Sector Improvement Project in Uzbekistan” (published in English and Russian, and delivered to Uzbekistan officials and World Bank representatives in August 1997)
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